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Special Ways to Involve Your Stepparents on Your Wedding Day

Special Ways to Involve Your Stepparents in Your Wedding Day

Planning a wedding that caters to everyone is no mean feat. Brides and grooms often comment that the most stressful parts of planning for their big day, and the day itself, are the hurdles involved in balancing specific family requests and dynamics — and often involving their stepparents. 

It doesn’t have to be this way, however. If you’re part of a blended family and have a positive relationship with your stepparent, you’ll most likely want them to play a role in your wedding. Don’t worry! It’s possible and easy to craft a stress-free ceremony that goes swimmingly for you while ensuring every family member feels comfortable, valued and seen.

This guide will provide some tips and pointers to involve your stepparents in the planning and execution of your special event — and how to achieve a happy and harmonious balance. 

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For Quirky Couples: Incorporating Fun Elements To Personalise Your Wedding

For Quirky Couples: Incorporating Fun Elements To Personalise Your Wedding

When planning a wedding, most couples don’t want their big day to be a copycat of other wedding ceremonies. This is why many people hire professionals to ensure their wedding day is unique and tailored to their tastes and preference. The average wedding in Canada costs between $22,000 and $30,000, and while a huge chunk of that amount goes to the wedding venue and reception, most couples set aside some funds to make their wedding more fun. This is a non-negotiable expense, especially for couples with unconventional tastes.

If you’re a couple often described as unusual or quirky, finding ways to inject your combined personalities into your big day is a surefire way to make it more interesting. Quirky brides and grooms take note– here’s how to incorporate fun elements to personalize your wedding. 

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The Ultimate Time Management Guide For Planning A Wedding While Studying

The Ultimate Time Management Guide For Planning A Wedding While Studying

Planning a wedding is an exciting and joyous time, but it can also be overwhelming, especially if you’re juggling your wedding preparations with the demands of studying. Balancing wedding planning and studying requires effective time management and organization skills. This comprehensive guide provides practical tips and strategies to help you successfully navigate this busy period of your life.

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Swinging into Bliss: Unique Wedding Gifts for the Golf Enthusiast Couple

Swinging into Bliss: Unique Wedding Gifts for the Golf Enthusiast Couple

Weddings are extraordinary occasions that celebrate the union of two individuals embarking on a lifelong journey of love and togetherness. When attending the wedding of a couple who shares a deep passion for golf, why not elevate their special day by presenting them with a unique and thoughtful gift that embodies their love for the sport? In this comprehensive guide, we have meticulously curated an extensive list of exceptional wedding gift ideas tailored explicitly for golf enthusiast couples. These gifts will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression and create cherished memories for the newlyweds.

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