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How to choose your bridal shower dress

With weddings come wedding showers, bachelorette parties and rehearsal dinners. And, you have to be a ravishing bride who is the focus of the party, at all these celebrations. While your wedding dress may take months of research, shopping and fittings to perfect, you should also spare some attention to the dresses that you choose for the events leading up to the wedding.

There are certain factors that will help you choose a good bridal shower dress. So, join us as we find out what they are.

Keep it casual but elegant

via Best for Bride


Your bridal shower is a casual event. So, you can choose any dress that is semi-formal to casual, but make sure it is elegant and has some interesting details. Think of it as a dress that reflects your personal style, but is one that can impress. Keep it chic and consider going with the latest trends in color and design that will look good on you. Although you needn’t spend a fortune on it, remember that the money you spend on it is worthwhile as you can use it again in the future.

Dress for the weather and venue

Decide your outfit based on whether your bridal shower will be held indoors or outdoors, and whether it will be warm or cold at the time. For a garden party, floral dresses would be a stunning choice. If it is an indoor event, a monochromatic design, or one with vivid details would look good. Similarly, consider breezy lace dresses and cotton dresses in breathable fabric for summer and spring parties. If the weather is cool, choose satin, silk or wool blends that will keep you warm.

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Match your dress to the theme

It is likely that your host will inform you of the theme of the party, if there is one, a few weeks in advance. Once you know what it is, choose a dress that will reflect the color palette and party theme. This way, you will look dressed for the part by choosing a matching dress. It also makes your job of shortlisting the right choices easier.

Accessorize to dress up or down

While your dress choice is important, the accessories you choose are also equally significant. If you think your dress is really simple, dress it up with bold statement jewelry and a pair of killer heels. If your dress is a star by itself, keep the accessories simple so it doesn’t steal focus from the dress. All the components should come together beautifully, and make you look fantastic. Try on your dress with the accessories you chose before the actual day, so you can decide whether you should make changes.


As with any other wedding-related outfit, make sure that you choose a silhouette that suits your body shape. This is the best way to look fabulous. It is not about how a dress looks by itself, it is all about how well it looks on you. Go for colors that complement your skin tone and a pattern that shows off your best features and hides any trouble spots.

To find a dress that is perfect for your bridal shower, take some time to visit our splendid selection of dresses for every occasion at Best for Bride.

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Bridal Shower Etiquette- Tips for the host and the bride


Bridal showers are now an essential part of a wedding, and an occasion for the bride to socialize and enjoy herself with her close circle of friends and relatives. Bridal showers are usually hosted by friends or bridesmaids, and not by the bride’s immediate family. However, the lines have blurred now, and it isn’t uncommon to find showers being hosted by the bride’s sister or mother.

As with any other party, certain etiquette rules are associated with bridal showers too. Let us look at some rules that you should pay attention to, if you are a bridal shower host. We will also briefly touch upon etiquette for the bride at the shower.

Limit the party guests

There are two things to pay attention to when inviting guests for the shower

  • only invite guests who are invited to the wedding too
  • the number of guests at the bridal shower is not huge.

The idea of hosting a bridal shower is to have an intimate gathering with the people who mean the most to the bride. These people are definitely on the wedding list. If you are not sure of who to invite, here is some help. Make sure you invite the bridal party, the bride’s close friends and family. It is also alright to ask the bride if you have missed anyone she would like to have at her party.

Timing is crucial

A wedding shower should be held at least two weeks ahead of the wedding date, but no earlier than a month. Make sure that you send out the invitations at least two weeks before the date, so the guests are allowed sufficient time to make plans to attend the party.

Plan the cost and date and be prepared to pay

It is the host of the bridal shower who pays for the party—not the bride, nor the bridesmaids. Unless all the bridesmaids want to pitch in and help with both conducting and paying for the party, they are not obligated to. In any case, make sure that the party is properly budgeted for and the expenses and ideas are agreed upon beforee going ahead with plans.

Now here are the rules for the bride

Thank the host with a gift

After all, your host has gone through a lot of trouble to plan your wedding shower. It is only appropriate to give her a small gift to appreciate her efforts. This could be a bottle of wine or a bouquet of flowers. Don’t forget to include a thank you note as well.

Don’t be demanding and don’t make suggestions unless you are asked

You can have your wedding the way you want it, but don’t expect the same of your bridal shower. Gifts you receive at the bridal shower are usually less expensive than wedding gifts. So, be gracious and enjoy the ritual of opening your gifts at the party, instead of focusing on what you receive. Make sure you write thank you notes to the guests for what they gifted you on this occasion.

For more wedding tips and advice, visit us on Best for Bride.

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Bridal Shower Games

Having a bridal shower is one of the most traditional pieces of getting married. However, they can also be somewhat boring as well. For this reason, those who are organizing the bridal shower should work to make sure that there are some fantastic games that the guests can enjoy. Below are some of the best options for your bridal shower.

Toilet Paper Wedding Gown


This game is fun and hands-on, plus you will not need to spend a lot of money on supplies. With it, you will divide the guests into teams who will then use this common item to create a hilarious version of the wedding gown. The bride will then select the winning group. Be sure to take pictures of this funny game and be prepared to use the left over toilet tissue to drive up the tears of laughter that are sure to flow.

Clothespin Game


This is a fairly common game to play at both baby showers and bridal showers. With this game, each of the guests will be provided a certain number of clothespins and instructed to avoid saying the word wedding or bride throughout the bridal shower. It is the goal of the other guests to catch them saying these words so that they can steal a clothespin from them. The winner is the person with the most clothespins at the end of the game.

Celebrity Husband


This is another fun game that can be played at a bridal shower. With this game, each guest will put the name of their ultimate celebrity dream husband in a bowl. The bride will then draw slips of paper from the bowl and will try to guess which guest chose which celebrity husband. While there isn’t really a winner to this type of game, it is a great way to connect with one another and share some laughs throughout the bridal shower.


The bridal shower should be a fun event that you can share with some of your closest friends and family members. In order to make sure that this is a reality, you should make sure that you have games available that will help your guests to stay involved and engaged with the party.

If you are looking for a way to have more of an exciting bridal shower, these games are a perfect way to add some of this excitement to the festivities. They will help you to make sure that everyone has a fantastic time and are able to share the excitement that the bride has for her big day.

So, if you are looking for a way to jazz up a bridal shower, choose some of these games to play throughout your time together. You will find that the festivities are much more enjoyable with them.

Your bridal shower can be great with a fantastic set of games. Remember to stop by Best for Bride to help you with your wedding planning process and to find decorations for your bridal shower.