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Vintage Wedding Dresses - Best for Bride on Rogers Daytime Toronto

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>> MALE HOST: Welcome back to the show. With me is manager of Best of ... Best For Bride Toronto, Kalina Mortlock. Welcome to the show!
>>KALINA: Thank you for having us.
>>MALE HOST: You're beautiful, by the way.
>>KALINA: Thank you.
>>MALE HOST: And we're here to talk about beautiful things, weddings.
>>KALINA: Absolutely. Yes we do. We have five brides, and I would like to showcase them for us.
>>MALE HOST: Are you going to be talking about some of the trends that are available ...
>>KALINA: Absolutely!
>>MALE HOST: ... things that are going to be happening in bride land?
>>KALINA: Well vintage is very key right now.
>>MALE HOST: Oh, okay.
>>KALINA: And our first bride will definitely will showcase that. Come on down.
>>MALE HOST: Okay, great.
[First bride walks in.]
>>MALE HOST: Wow, that's beautiful. That's really beautiful.
>>KALINA: We also do rent dresses.
>>MALE HOST: Now yes, so the ... talk to me a little bit about Best for Bride Toronto, because you've got a few store, right?
>>KALINA: Yes.
>>MALE HOST: And then you can rent dresses ...
>>KALINA: We can rent.
>>MALE HOST: ... and you can buy dresses ...
>>KALINA: Absolutely.
>>MALE HOST: ... and even online.
>>KALINA: Yeah, definitely.
>>MALE HOST: This is great. So talk to me about this dress particularly.
>>KALINA: Well it's vintage, and the beading is absolutely amazing. It comes in three different lengths so that you save on alterations.
>>MALE HOST: Now as far as when you say "vintage." like, uh, what, is it the lace that makes it vintage? It's not an old dress.
>>KALINA: Yeah, it's just the style.
>>MALE HOST: It's like, it's not an old dress, it's a new dress made to look vintage, right?
>>KALINA: No, no it's not. And it also has a detachable train.
>>MALE HOST: Oh, okay. So when she goes down the aisle she can wear the train ...
>>KALINA: Exactly.
>>MALE HOST: ... and then for dancing, later on that night for dancing ...
>>KALINA: Exactly.
>>MALE HOST: This is beautiful. And it's not, it's not like a Lady Di train where it's gonna, you're gonna be tripping up on it all, right?
>>KALINA: Exactly. Right, yeah.
>>MALE HOST: And does that clip up if you want? No, I guess that's too ...
>>KALINA: Absolutely. You do a bustle like that.
>>MALE HOST: Okay. That's perfect. And it's a, I guess it's a sweetheart, uh, neckline, is that what you called it?
>>KALINA: Yes it is. Absolutely.
>>MALE HOST: Really nice. I love that, that's a beautiful, beautiful dress. And it's not white white.
>>KALINA: No, it's ivory.
>>MALE HOST: Now in the winter, does people ... do people tend to go ivory, or do they wear white white still?
>>KALINA: Um, it all depends on skin tone.
>>MALE HOST: Okay.
>>KALINA: So you just go with that instead of the season, definitely.
>>MALE HOST: Yeah, because you've got, like, a lot of like golds and caramels in your skin, in skin. So this ivory looks amazing on you.
[Kalina claps.]
>>MALE HOST: Thank you very much.
>>KALINA: Thank you.
[First bride exits, second bride enters.]
>>KALINA: Now we have another Mori Lee dress.
>>MALE HOST: This is done by who?
>>KALINA: Mori Lee.
>>MALE HOST: Mori Lee?
>>KALINA: Yep. And the other one was as well.
>>MALE HOST: Okay, so ...
>>KALINA: And this is the ...
>>MALE HOST:'ve got the lace underneath this one. Okay.
>>KALINA: Exactly. It's Mori Lee Julietta, and it comes up to a 36 in size.
>>MALE HOST: Okay. Oh you're got some beautiful accessories, you've got a pretty necklace on.
>>KALINA: We do rent those as well.
>>MALE HOST: Okay, so you can rent the accessories as well as your dress?
>>KALINA: Absolutely. Which is veil, and ...
>>MALE HOST: Because I, like, some of the costs of like, brides and dresses and accessories are, like, through the moon.
>>KALINA: I agree. I agree.
>>MALE HOST: Like we watch those shows, right? And I'm always like, the dress is ten thousand and this is five thousand, and yeah. It can get costly. But for, at your stores?
>>KALINA: A hundred dollars.
>>MALE HOST: That's incredible. Like, you've got a great range, right? So if ... what is a bride ... what is the range? What should a bride be looking at spending for, say a dress?
>>KALINA: Uh, between five to two thousand. Yeah.
>>MALE HOST: Well, well that's quite affordable I think.
>>KALINA: Yeah, I agree.
>>MALE HOST: So that's, yeah that's quite affordable. So, how do you feel, do you feel like a bride?
>>BRIDE 2: I sure do.
>>KALINA: Mori Lee knows what they're doing.
[More laughter.]
>>MALE HOST: Yeah, it's really beautiful.
>>KALINA: Absolutely.
>>MALE HOST: That's great. Nice. And you've got a little train too.
>>KALINA: Yep!
>>MALE HOST: Thank you very much.
[Bride 2 exits, Bride 3 enters.]
>>MALE HOST: Okay, And our next up ... this is more mermaid?
>>KALINA: This is another Mori Lee. Yeah, this is a trumpet style.
>>MALE HOST: Trumpet?
>>KALINA: With a little more bling bling.
>>MALE HOST: So pretty. It's really pretty.
>>KALINA: Yeah. And it has a tied back.
>>MALE HOST: How do you feel in this dress?
>>BRIDE 3: Amazing.
[Bride 3 laughs.]
>>MALE HOST: Yeah, it looks ... it's beautiful, beautiful. Yeah, I love this. Now would you ever in a store ... would you ever ... if someone came in and said you know, like I want a short one or like a dress, they tried on a dress they thought they looked good, but you, like, they really didn't. Would you coach them on that?
>>KALINA: Absolutely. Not only that, however, bride's come in with a vision, and then they walk out with a totally different dress that they were not even expecting.
>>MALE HOST: Oh really? So sometimes they'll come in with one idea and then leave completely ...
>>KALINA: Absolutely. Yeah, 'cuz ...
>>MALE HOST: Okay, now the ... Now do you ever get grooms in? Like the, uh, what is the, fiancé?
>>KALINA: Sometimes yes, and then I tell them to stay away.
>>MALE HOST: Skedaddle?
>>KALINA: Exactly, yes.
>>MALE HOST: This is gorgeous. Thank you very much.
>>KALINA: Thank you.
[Third bride exits, Fourth bride enters.]
>>KALINA: Now we have a destination wedding dress.
>>MALE HOST: So like if she's going to the North Pole kind of destination?
>>KALINA: Well, you tell me.
>>MALE HOST: No, I wouldn't say she'd wear that at the North Pole.
>>KALINA: Exactly.
>>MALE HOST: That's really pretty.
>>KALINA: It's also a Mori Lee dress, and ...
>>MALE HOST: So this would be perfect for like a beach wedding ...
>>KALINA: Absolutely, yes.
>>MALE HOST: ... because it's so goddess-ey, like Greek goddess flowy. How do you feel in that dress?
>>BRIDE 4: It's nice and light. It's a beautiful dress.
>>MALE HOST: Yeah. Yeah now what about packing for, packing this dress if you're going on a destination? Will this wrinkle it too ... I guess you'd have to get it steamed.
>>KALINA: Well yeah, you'd get it steamed. Absolutely.
>>MALE HOST: I love the detail, like the ... are these all crystals?
>>KALINA: Yes they are.
>>MALE HOST: Everyone needs a little bling. And this is chiffon?
>>KALINA: Yeah.
>>MALE HOST: Beautiful. Really beautiful.
>>KALINA: Thank you.
>>MALE HOST: Now, uh, is this cleanable? Well because if you're getting married on the beach you're gonna get sand.
>>KALINA: Absolutely. We also offer steaming, cleaning and boxing the wedding dress.
>>MALE HOST: What's the biggest challenge a bride has right, today, would you say?
>>KALINA: Getting along with her parents.
>>MALE HOST: Her in-laws.
[Lots of laughter.]
>>MALE HOST: Now do you get a lot of bridezillas in your stores?
>>KALINA: Uh, no. No.
>>MALE HOST: You can tell me later.
>>KALINA: Yeah, exactly. Thank you.
[Bride number four exits, Bride number five enters.]
>>KALINA: Now we have Alfred Angelo, and that is the Belle dress.
>>MALE HOST: Wow, look at this.
>>KALINA: Fairy tale wedding.
>>MALE HOST: So pretty!
[Clapping from Kalina.]
>>MALE HOST: So pretty! So, oh, so this is the ... so for the flower girl?
>>KALINA: Yeah, that's the flower girl and that's the bride.
>>MALE HOST: Wow, look at this.
>>KALINA: And it's a Disney dress.
>>MALE HOST: A Disney dress?
>>KALINA: Yeah.
>>MALE HOST: So like ...
>>KALINA: From Beauty and the Beast.
>>MALE HOST: Oh, okay. So it's inspired by that. Okay, wow.
>>KALINA: Yeah.
>>MALE HOST: Now how do you feel in this dress?
>>BRIDE 5: Like a princess!
>>MALE HOST: A princess!
[Kalina ooohs and laughs.]
>>MALE HOST: And how do you feel in the dress, do you like the dress?
>>KALINA: Yes.
>>MALE HOST: Do you feel like a princess? Well you look like a princess.
>>BRIDE 5: She's the mini version of me.
>>MALE HOST: Yeah, so this is ... it's basically the same dress, just two different ...
>>KALINA: Yep. Absolutely.
>>MALE HOST: Now do brides typically mimic their dress with the flower girl?
>>KALINA: Usually with fairytale weddings, yes.
>>MALE HOST: Fairytale.
>>KALINA: Yeah.
>>MALE HOST: Wow, yeah, you do ... well, you're a princess. I wanna be a princess.
>>MALE HOST: This is, yeah ... does this ... this must pile, this dress here. Because its got a lot of stuff, a lot of dress.
>>KALINA: It is a lot of a dress, yes.
>>MALE HOST: Maybe turn around. That would ... you would hopefully get that to bustle up, right?
>>KALINA: Absolutely.
>>MALE HOST: Because it would be hard to dance in something like that I would think.
>>KALINA: It's a showstopper. Yep.
>>MALE HOST: It really is.
>>KALINA: We do have in-home, in-house seamstresses that can bustle it up for you.
>>MALE HOST: Oh, okay, so you can ... okay. Yeah, um, if I was a bride looking for that dress, how soon in advance of their wedding should they be coming in to see you?
>>KALINA: You should give yourself about six months.
>>MALE HOST: Okay.
>>KALINA: And a month for fitting.
>>MALE HOST: Okay. Now do you ever get last minute brides?
>>KALINA: Absolutely.
>>MALE HOST: Thank you very much.
>>KALINA: Absolutely.
>>MALE HOST: So, and so do you have stock available so that if somebody's like, oh, I gotta get married now. I just got married now. Do you have stock available?
[Fifth bride exits.]
>>KALINA: Well Mori Lee is very kind to us, and we work along with them, and they do have some stock. So it all depends on the style of the dress. But they do help us out for sure.
>>MALE HOST: Oh that's amazing. Now you also have a website available, and I went on it earlier. And you have not only bride's dresses, you've got all kinds. Tell us a little bit about what other things you have.
>>KALINA: Well we have decor, we have gift cards and ...
>>MALE HOST: Like lots of accessories?
>>KALINA: Exactly, yes.
>>MALE HOST: And also the ... even if you're going out for a night on the town, a fancy night, you've got some evening gowns as well, correct?
>>KALINA: Absolutely. Bridesmaids and Mother of the Bride.
>>MALE HOST: Any last minute tips for brides?
>>KALINA: Um, don't stress out.
>>MALE HOST: Okay, terrific. terrific. Well thank you very much.
>>KALINA: You're very welcome.
>>MALE HOST: Ladies, beautiful. Come on in, give a last walk. Yeah, really beautiful. I want to get married now.
[Brides One and Two enter.]
>>MALE HOST: Although, who's going to marry me?
>>MALE HOST: Thank you very much.
>>KALINA: Thank you.
>>MALE HOST: For more information go to When we come back, the latest initiatives with the Toronto Community Foundation.
[Theme music plays.]
>>MALE HOST: Thanks ladies, that's really beautiful. Come on.
[Host dances with Bride Two.]

View video: Vintage Wedding Dresses - Best for Bride on Rogers Daytime Toronto

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Vintage Wedding Dresses - Best for Bride on Rogers Daytime Toronto

>> MALE HOST: Welcome back to the show. With me is manager of Best of ... Best For Bride Toronto, Kalina Mortlock. Welcome to the show! ...


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At Best for Bride Bridal boutique, we are proud to offer our Lowest Price Guarantee.
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We will beat any price you find in authorized retail store in Canada by 10% of the difference. Just bring in or email us the lower advertised price or the price quoted along with the store name.

Price match applies only to purchases made within 14 days excluding alterations, clearance products and cleaning. Price match requests can not be combined with any other special offers. Lowest price comparison is based on the actual cost of the merchandise before taxes and shipping. Best for Bride does not match online or U.S. prices. All price matches are subject to management approval. Management reserves all right to remove or modify the lowest price guarantee at any time.

Buyers beware! If you find a website selling designer gowns at very cheap prices compared to the regular price, you are buying a knock off.

Hi Best for Bride,

I would just like to thank all the staff at Best For Bride in Etobikoke for helping my daughter and I find what we were looking for. I can't remember the ladies name that was helping us at the time but she was a tall woman and I believe her name began with a D. My daughter bought her wedding dress there and I bought my dress there as well. We were impressed with the wide selection of dresses that you had to chose from. I looked at so many dresses in other places as the mother of the bride and could not find anything that was suitable. My daughter and I exhausted every wedding shop in London Ontario and could not find the perfect dress. We went to a few places in Mississauga and Toronto and could not find the perfect dress until we visited Best For Bride and that is where she and I found the right dresses for us. Attached is a couple of photos of her day and the dresses we bought from you.

Thanks again,


I am so happy with my service at Best of Brides. I was always greeted with a smiling face and Denise and Maureen were amazing! They were so helpful, honest and were very accommodating. Kat did the alterations and the dress fit like it was made just for me. I will recommend this shop to any friend or family looking for bridal wear.

Thank you so much,


To the staff at Best For Bride Bridal Boutique,
Thank you so much for all the time you spent with the bride and bridesmaids to help them choose the perfect dresses. Everyone looked gorgeous on the wedding day. I have attached my daughter's picture in her wedding dress. Thanks again for all your help! I will definitely recommend you guys to my friends.

In appreciation, Sarah K. (Mother of the Bride)


Best for Bride Boutique offers professional in-house seamstress services for Wedding Dresses, Evening Dresses, Prom dresses, Mother of the Bride dresses and almost any kind of women's formalwear. Click here for more details.

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